Summer Hiatus

(Not So) Fun FiQ Fact #0122:  Ethan’s claim of being “vomit free since 2013” has been rendered null and void.

Hi guys!  I apologize for the break in reviews last week.  I got hit by a rather nasty stomach bug, and it took the rest of the week for me to bounce back.  During all of that, I had a little bit of time to reflect on the site, and I realized I’ve been running a little more ragged than usual, both here on the site and in regards to my real life responsibilities.  So, I’m gonna take a three-week summer hiatus, just to recharge and get things a little bit straightened up behind the scenes.  I’m not completely putting the site on hold, though!  I’ll be continuing my weekly look at Mutant X, and I reserve the right to run the occasional one-off review as I see fit.  Beyond that, I’ll see you guys when I return on July 15th!

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