Matty’s Corner #0006: Iron Spider



Hi, Ethan here!  Welcome to Matthew’s Corner, where I’m collecting the mad ramblings of my 7 year old Matthew, who also likes to talk about action figures.  What can I say, I’m sympathetic to his need to ramble about action figures.  So, I’m just gonna let him take it away…though, for what it’s worth, I’m still transcribing for him.

Hello!  I’ve not been doing the actual figures I was supposed to be doing, because there are a lot of other figures you would actually see.  In other reviews that I have been saying that I would be doing Venom next, but I’ve only taken the pictures and I keep forgetting to do the actual review.  I haven’t reviewed in a long time.  I’ve been waiting to collect more figures.  I had a hard time finding the right review for Venom, so I’m not reviewing him today.  I’m sorry that I didn’t find the right review.  I was really trying to.  I am actually reviewing Iron Spider.  Can I say one more thing about Venom?  Because there’s one more thing!  I’ve actually started the review, but I got stressed out, and couldn’t find the right thing to say.  I think we’re gonna move to the figure itself. *screeching noise* [At this point, he woke up his mother, who thought his screeching was the baby.  We’re gonna promise to be quieter now–E]


This is Iron Spider.  He’s from Marvel Legends.  He’s from the Spider-Man anniversary line.  The figure is 6 inches tall and for points of articulation, he has 52.  It is good articulation.  The claws on the back have a little bad articulation, but you can still move them around.  The sculpt is good.  With most of them, you can’t move the head like a real person’s head would go.  The neck is a little more skinny than a figure neck would be and you would reference it as a figure neck.  I think they did a pretty good sculpt of the tentacles on the back.  They got pretty good detail on the hands and the head.  For the head specifically, it’s got a pretty good shape.  It’s actually pretty much the shape of a real person’s head.  The colors are red and gold.  It’s a weird amount of colors.  You usually see like five or four, but there’s only two on this one.  And it’s really easy to remember if you do a review, if you lost that one figure that you were doing and you searched all over your room.  If that actually happened to you today.  The colors are in good spots.  I would prefer the red on the eyes, but they made it how they made it.  Pretty good for a figure.  He comes with four hands and three tentacles, which are also good sculpting and color.  Especially for the fist hands.


I like this figure and my Dad got it for me.  There’s a reason.  I did a lot of good stuff around the house and saved up to get him.  As you see, my Dad is very nice and makes a lot of good deals with me.  He really likes getting me stuff.  He gets me like two things a week.  Last week he got me three.  Pretty good, but I’ve lost most of the pieces already.  Should I end the whole review on it?  What do you guys think?  I want to get comments.  If you really like this review, you should give me comments of what I should do.  I want maybe three or four.  Probably four because that’s a higher number so it’s better.

2 responses

    • Matty says: “Thank you! i really appreciate that you responded to my review and please read other ones and please send more comments!”

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