#3401: Drax



Drax finally dons a shirt and becomes a more active member of the Guardians by helping set up their new headquarters–but he still has trouble thinking before he acts.”

Everybody gets a real character arc in all three Guardians movies, and Drax’s is getting a shirt on over his sensitive nipples. Right? Okay, no, not quite. In fact, his arc, much like the other Guardians, is about learning how to be a part of a family again, even if it’s not quite the family he was expecting. It’s admittedly a pretty nice arc for the guy. Also, he starts wearing shirts. Good for him.


Drax is figure 1 in the Cosmo Series of Marvel Legends, which serves as the tie-in for Guardians Vol 3. He’s seen here in his full team uniform, a marked change from his last two figures. The figure stands about 6 3/4 inches tall and has 30 points of articulation. Like Star-Lord, Drax is making use of prior molds for the character, though in Drax’s case, those molds go back to the very first film’s tie-in stuff. This figure makes use of the legs and feet from the previous movie Draxes, and apart from the visible pins on the knees, they honestly hold up quite well. Drax obviously gets a new torso and arms, so as to give him his shirt. It matches well with both the movie and with the Star-Lord figure, so those are both pluses. Drax also gets a new head. Like his first figure, this one is back to being calm. It’s not drastically different, but it does get a slight improvement to the Batista likeness. Drax’s color work is generally alright. Nothing major to write home about. As with Star-Lord, the red stripes stop right at the hips, rather than continuing into the pocket the way they do in the movie, but that’s a symptom of those re-used parts. Application on the reds is a little sloppy around the edges, but otherwise he looks pretty clean. Drax is packed with his two knives, as well as the front right leg of Cosmo.


Drax is a character I keep thinking I don’t need to update, and then I keep liking his new figures more than I expected to. I largely grabbed this guy because I was getting the whole team in their fancy new suits, but I really like how he turned out, especially with that new likeness.

Thanks to my sponsors over at All Time Toys for setting me up with this figure to review.  If you’re looking for cool toys both old and new, please check out their website and their eBay storefront.

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