#3403: Ultron



Robot. Maniacal genius. Science experiment gone wrong. Ultron is the supreme weapon of mass destruction and a mortal threat to his creator Hank Pym, the Avengers, and all humankind.”

Wait….why do I feel like I’ve been here before? Could it be that I’ve already reviewed this figure? I mean, I’ve had it happen. That bio sure is familiar. But wait, there’s a very specific mention of Hank Pym in that bio now. What is this, some sort of very specific Ant-Man tie-in. Well, uh, yeah, it actually is. How about that?


Ultron is figure 3 in the Cassie Lang Series of Marvel Legends, which is specifically an Ant-Man tie-in wave. Ultron’s obviously from the comics portion of that, though interestingly enough, movie Ultron was the Build-A-Figure for the very first movie Ant-Man tie-in assortment. The figure stands 6 1/4 inches tall and he has 32 points of articulation. By and large, this guy’s really just a slight tweak on the Ursa Major Ultron. That was really the definitive classic comics Ultron, so, you know decent starting point. What does this one do? New head. The last one was classic. This one is also classic. Just, like, a different classic? There are a collection of necessary details for a classic Ultron head, but there exact relative proportions are always a bit up in the air, making both takes equally valid. I honestly find this one just a touch more my speed than the last, but I like them both. While the last Ultron was painted silver, this one goes back to a molded plastic. I’m not so much on the molded plastic silver, but I do like the slightly darker shade. Since the head on this one has a larger, flatter mouth, we’re back to the painted crackle effect as well, which I still really dig. Ultron gets the same five hands and crackle effect piece as we got on the last release. Amusingly, the new head isn’t compatible with the crackle effect (hence the painted detail instead), so all he can do his hold it in his hand. I guess it’s nice that they didn’t cut it, though, right? It’s also a different pattern than the other one, so you get extra options there. Ultron is also packed with the left arm of Cassie Lang.


On the outside, this guy does seem like the easiest figure in this set to skip for me. Which makes the fact that he’s honestly the single figure I was most excited for all the more baffling, right? What can I say; I’m a sucker for a classic Ultron. Even one that’s just minorly different. The new head really makes this one for me. Something about it just really resonates. Of course, I’m not swapping out the old one. It just means this guy gets the be the Ultron-12/Mark for my Legends collection.

Thanks to my sponsors over at All Time Toys for setting me up with this figure to review.  If you’re looking for cool toys both old and new, please check out their website and their eBay storefront.

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