#3410: Cyborg Spider-Woman



Cyborg Spider-Woman is part Spider-Woman, part machine. She doesn’t have regular powers like everyone else but with years of experience and a cannon for an arm, she’s seen it all and can fight with the best of them!”

Across the Spider-Verse sure did have a lot of Spider-people in it. And with that many, it’s hard to focus on all of them. Despite getting a noticeable marketing push, the big, hulking, Cyborg Spider-Woman is relegated to a blink and you’ll miss it sized role in the final product. But, hey, there’s still good toys to be had from the design, right? Right. Let’s look at one of those.


Cyborg Spider-Woman is a standalone deluxe Marvel Legends release, timed to tie-in with the main Across the Spider-Verse assortment. In fact, the nature of her construction and size points to the initial plan being to make this the Build-A-Figure for that assortment, before that was scrapped to keep the main figures a bit more standalone themselves. Nothing has been confirmed, but this figure notably pops apart at the neck, shoulders, and hips, much like a BaF would, and she lacks any re-used parts from prior BaFs to explain this. The figure stands about 8 inches tall and she has 25 points of articulation. Obviously, with the big cannon arm, she takes a slight hit on posability on that side, but given her size, she gets an okay range of motion. Some of the joints definitely needed to be worked in a bit on my copy, after which their range definitely improved. As touched on above, Spider-Woman gets an all-new sculpt, based on her very brief appearance in the movie, which is, in turn, very clearly inspired by the 616 Spidey’s brief cyborg appearance from Spider-Man #21, albeit supremely bulked up. Also gender-swapped, but that’s not as immediately apparent from the design proper.


I’ve got a soft spot for the Cyborg Spidey look, so I got a kick out of it being referenced for this design in the new movie, especially when we got that first glimpse of the basic toyline figure. The Legend prices enough to win me over on buying her, even before the movie hit. Then the movie hit, and she’s not really in it, but I can’t be mad about getting a cool toy out of the whole thing. And maybe she’ll get a bigger part in the next one?

Thanks to my sponsors over at All Time Toys for setting me up with this figure to review.  If you’re looking for cool toys both old and new, please check out their website and their eBay storefront.

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