#3494: Kingpin



“One of the most powerful criminal leaders in New York City, Wilson Fisk, also known as Kingpin, rules the underworld with a signature blend of cruelty and charm.”

2003’s Daredevil is not a particularly good film, but one of the things that pretty much everyone can agree worked was Michael Clark Duncan’s portrayal of Kingpin.  With his passing in 2012, there was no way for him to reprise the role, and it became a rather daunting one for the next actor to portray Wilson Fisk in live action.  Thankfully, Vincent D’Onofrio was more than up for the challenge, delivering a take on Fisk so memorable that he even became the very first of Netflix’s Marvel cast to make the jump over to the MCU proper when he appeared in Hawkeye.  And with that, he also got an action figure.  Finally!


Kingpin is part of the Hydra Stomper Series of Marvel Legends, which is another Disney + based series of figures.  Kingpin is the one unnumbered figure in the set, as he’s sans-BAF piece.  He’s also one of the the two figures in the set based on Hawkeye.  Interestingly, he’s specifically based on his appearance in the photo at the end of Episode 5, rather than his proper appearance in Episode 6, presumably to keep him in a slightly more classic Kingpin get-up.  The figure stands about 6 1/2 inches tall and he has 30 points of articulation.  Kingpin is using a good chunk of parts from Happy, which seems pretty sensible, what with them both being larger guys in suits and all.  He gets a new head and jacket, and a modified upper torso, to remove Happy’s tie.  The head’s sporting a rather strong likeness of D’Onofrio in the role, and the new jacket and upper torso both work well to sell the whole overall look.  Kingpin’s color work is pretty decent; it’s almost entirely molded plastic colors, but they get the proper shades down, and it’s always nice to see Kingpin in his classic colors.  His face gets the printed technique, which works well here, and even gets the couple of spots on D’Onofrio’s face.  Kingpin is packed with two sets of hands, in fists and gripping, as well as his diamond-topped cane.


I loved Netflix’s Daredevil in its entirety, and D’Onofrio’s Kingpin was certainly a big part of that.  I was happy to get Daredevil back in the one Netflix set, but I was always a little bummed there was no Kingpin to go with him.  With his reintroduction into the MCU proper, I was more hopeful, and that certainly paid off.  Kingpin is a somewhat by-the-numbers figure, but that’s really all he needed to be, and I’m happy with the end product.

Thanks to my sponsors over at All Time Toys for setting me up with this figure to review.  If you’re looking for cool toys both old and new, please check out their website and their eBay storefront.

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