#3495: Luke Skywalker – Jedi Knight



Nine years and some change ago, I opened my review of Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker by remarking that my interest in The Black Series was beginning to wane.  Over 200 figures later, that does seem like it was a slightly premature assessment of things, but on the flipside, I’m feeling myself back in that boat again a little bit these days.  This time around, of course, it’s more on me than the line.  I’m just not as invested on having every character in every style anymore.  But, somewhat appropriately, I’ve been swayed by another Jedi Luke, so, I guess I’m taking a look at that one today.


Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) is part of the third series of the RotJ Retro Carded Black Series figures.  While the last two assortments have been largely re-cards of older figures with just one new figure per set, this assortment is almost entirely new (albeit with one figure that’s gotten a pretty quick re-release in the main line), and Luke is included in that grouping.  We’ve had a healthy helping of Jedi Lukes in the line at this point, covering all manner of variations on his looks.  This one covers the same ground as his first Black Series, replicating his design from his battle on the Death Star II.  The figure stands just shy of 6 inches tall and he has 29 points of articulation.  This figure’s articulation is pretty much the same set-up as the Book of Boba Fett version, which is a marked improvement on the old Jedi Luke’s set-up.  Those butterfly shoulders in particular really add to the figure’s posing options.  Structurally, he’s using most of the parts from the Light Cruiser Luke, which is sensible, what with the similarities in design and all.  He loses the vest overlay piece and gets a new head sculpt, now based directly on Hamill, rather than the Mandalorian facsimile of him, as well as an adjusted chest flap folded down like during his battle with Vader, and a belt piece.  The new head sculpt is really nice, and certainly the best RotJ-era Hamill we’ve gotten at this scale.  The separate face/hair set-up works especially well this time around.  Luke’s color work is a lot of molded colors, but there’s some solid paint work on the face and hair, and the smaller details on the outfit are handled very cleanly.  Luke is packed with an alternate chest flap, fully closed up, as well as his lightsaber.  It’s kind of light, but it’s about what I’ve come to expect at standard pricing for this line.


I didn’t intend to buy this figure.  I swear.  I had the first Jedi Luke.  I had the Jabba’s Palace version.  I had the Endor version.  I even had the Book version.  This one?  I didn’t need it.  My bases were all covered, right?  Well, apparently not.  I saw him in person, and I just couldn’t pass him up.  What can I say, I’ve got a soft spot for the look.  I’m glad I didn’t pass him up, because he’s an absolutely fantastic figure, and far and away the best version of Jedi Luke out there.

Thanks to my sponsors over at All Time Toys for setting me up with this figure to review.  If you’re looking for cool toys both old and new, please check out their website and their eBay storefront.

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