#3590: Abe Sapien



Fun FiQ Fact #0069:  In the 2004 Hellboy movie, Abe Sapien is voiced by an uncredited David Hyde-Pierce, who after seeing Doug Jones’ on-set performance of the character refused to be credited.

20 years ago this week, Hellboy hit theaters.  It was a big deal for the franchise, and it was a big deal for me, because it was my first introduction to the characters.  I found myself instantly enamored, and I was particularly a fan of Hellboy’s fellow “freak” from the BPRD, Abe Sapien.  Abe’s remained my favorite part of the franchise since, and I do love to collect him in toy form when I can.  Let’s check out one of those today!


Abe Sapien was released in the first series of Mezco’s Hellboy movie tie-in line.  This one is the standard release, but there was also a shirted PX-exclusive, which I reviewed back in 2018.  The figure stands 7 3/4 inches tall and he has 25 points of articulation.  As I’ve discussed before, the articulation on these figures is an interesting mix.  This is a line that ran concurrent with Toy Biz’s Marvel Legends, which was setting some pretty major standards for articulation.  Compared to that, this has some restrictive spots.  But, it’s certainly serviceable.  Abe’s sculpt is the same one used by the exclusive.  It’s a pretty solid one, and it does a nice job of capturing Abe’s movie design.  It’s a little stylized, as is Mezco’s way, but I feel like it works well for Abe’s design.  Abe’s paint work is decent enough.  The patterning on his skin is pretty impressive, and I do like the shiny finish.  It’s a bit less murky in its coloring than the PX version, which I think helps.  Abe includes an extra head with goggles, plus the collar and rebreather device, his belt, and a small Samael (not pictured).  The alternate head doesn’t really work, since he’s always wearing the shirt with the rebreather set-up, but the thought is there, and it did at least give them the tooling in advance for the repaint.


I really wanted this figure when the movie came out, but the tie-in figures were tricky to find at best.  I saw this guy maybe one time, and didn’t get him, and that was that.  I did eventually get the exclusive, which was a perfectly fine stand-in, but I still wanted this one.  Thankfully, I had one land in front of me a month or so back.  Sure, he’s not drastically different than the repaint, but I do really love this figure, no matter how he’s painted.

Thanks to my sponsors over at All Time Toys for setting me up with this figure to review.  If you’re looking for cool toys both old and new, please check out their website and their eBay storefront.

2 responses

  1. You wouldn’t happen to mean All Time Toys in Maryland, would you? I sold my Abe (along with most of my collection) to them a little while back. There’s a non-zero chance that was my figure! If so, I’m glad you’re giving him the affection he deserves. He spent a large portion of his life in a bag, in a box, in a closet, not being enjoyed. This seems like a good blog and I’m gonna stick around for a bit.

    • I would happen to mean that very All Time Toys! There’s actually a pretty high chance this one is yours. If thats the case, he’s gone to a good home. I promise to feed him and water him daily…or something like that?

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