#3431: Cosmo



Added to Marvel’s cosmic slate in 2008, Cosmo the Spacedog, a Russian space dog  granted increased intelligence and super powers, who references Laika the Soviet space dog who flew in Sputnik II, got a pretty quick turnaround for film adaptation.  First appearing as one of the Collector’s captives in the first Guardians, and then getting another quick cameo in Vol 2, Cosmo finally got a slightly larger role in the Holiday Special, and even got to be a more involved member of the team in Vol. 3.  Perfect timing for an action figure, right?


Cosmo is the Build-A-Figure for the titular series of Marvel Legends, assembled by purchasing 6 of the 7 figures in the line-up.  The figure is about 2 1/2 inches tall and 4 inches long, with 32 points of articulation.  Cosmo is similar in design, if a bit scaled down from, the Timber figure we got back in 2021.  In that regard, I still find her to be a little bit on the restricted side when it comes to movement.  If anything, she’s actually a bit *more* restricted than Timber was, just based on how the joints are laid out relative to her design.  Of course, a dog in a spacesuit’s only going to be so mobile to begin with, I suppose.  Cosmo is sporting an all-new sculpt, which is generally a pretty strong one.  The texturing on the fur is a touch soft, but not terribly so, and there’s only so much of it visible to begin with.  The head bears a decently close “likeness” of the breed of the dogs that portrayed Cosmo in the films, and the detailing on the suit is all pretty sharply handled.  Her helmet piece (which does not fully close) can be removed…or I guess just left off during assembly…allowing you to do her more dressed down look seen in the Holiday Special and Vol. 3.  It’s honestly easier to leave her that way, since you have to pop the head off to get the helmet in place, and the head/body is one of the few things that’s pre-assembled.  Cosmo’s paint work is a bit more on the basic side.  Honestly, it’s a touch too basic.  The fur in particular seems really devoid of detail, without any accenting to help sell the sculpted elements.  Compared to more recent offerings, especially Timber, it feels a bit lacking.  The suit at least gets a little more work, but it could definitely have done with at least a wash or something, to make it look a little more dirty and lived in, as it is in the films.  Cosmo doesn’t include any accessories, but she’s kind of an accessory herself, so that’s honestly not too bad.


I don’t have a ton of in-comics experience with Cosmo, so the movies have honestly been my main connection to the character, and really my only driving force for any sort of toy needs.  While I wasn’t dying to get the character, I’m also not unhappy to see her show up here.  She’s decent.  Nothing amazing, and definitely more of an accessory than her own figure outright, but that’s really all she was designed to be anyway.

This set’s a pretty good one, start to finish.  There were some misteps on a few figures, but I don’t feel like there’s really any dead weight on it.  I do find it amusing that we’ve gone from a place of needing Iron Man to anchor the first movie assortment, meaning they only just barely fit the smaller line-up, to them getting an entire movie-only assortment, plus a bonus deluxe figure to go along.  That’s one heck of an accomplishment for a team that most people knew nothing about a decade ago.

Thanks to my sponsors over at All Time Toys for setting me up with this figure to review.  If you’re looking for cool toys both old and new, please check out their website and their eBay storefront.