#3302: Angel



Fun FiQ Fact #0081: Warren Worthington III was the third mutant to join the X-Men, following Cyclops and Iceman.

As a kid, the real centerpiece of my X-Men collection was my Toy Biz First Appearance boxed set.  Missing from that set for a good chunk of my childhood was its Angel figure, who was my favorite figure included.  Though Warren hasn’t held his high spot in my X-Men rankings as I’ve gotten older (which is less about me liking him less, and more about me finding other X-Men I like *more*), I do still have a soft spot for him, in both of his main incarnations, especially when it comes to action figures.  When it comes to Marvel Legends, we’ve gotten only a few figures.  There’s a really solid Archangel, but the Angel figures?  They’ve been less on the mark.  Let’s see how the latest one turned out!


Angel is a deluxe-sized Marvel Legends release, who has been hitting in the last few weeks, pretty much in tandem with the Wolverine anniversary-related releases.  It’s been an X-themed heaven in Legends recently, so, you know, an Angel is appropriate.  This guy is sporting Warren’s ’70s-’80s era red and white number, which he started wearing in Champions, sported in his return to X-Men, and had during his tenure on Defenders.  It had a good run, and it’s his most distinctive and memorable of his “Angel” looks.  It’s also the one that got Legends treatment before, so this is a proper update.  The figure stands 6 1/2 inches tall and he has 40 points of articulation, factoring in the wings.  It’s nice to see the extra movement in the wings, especially given that the Toy Biz figure’s static wings were its biggest drawback.  Angel is using the same base body as Nighthawk, with a modified upper torso to allow for the attachment of the wings.  He also gets two new head sculpts, one based on his earlier appearances in the costume, the other based more on his Defenders time.  I’m more partial to the earlier look, but both sculpts are very nicely handled.  The wings are also newly sculpted, and designed to work with more articulation than prior models.  It’s handled well, and they look pretty decent, while also managing to be quite posable.  Angel’s color work leans heavily on reds and whites, as expected.  The paint’s pretty clean for the base body, and there’s some quite nice accenting on the feathers of the wings.  He’s got white boots and gloves, which, for me, is frustrating, because I want him to be specifically Champions Angel, but I guess that’s more a me problem.  Angel is packed with two sets of hands, one open, the other in fists.


I do really like the classic Angel design, but it’s not one that’s been lucky in the toy department.  It’s entirely absent from the 5-inch run, and the original Legends figure just always really disappointed me.  This one doesn’t disappoint me.  In fact, I really quite like him.  I’d like him more with yellow boots and gloves, but let’s not get too picky here.

Thanks to my sponsors over at All Time Toys for setting me up with this figure to review.  If you’re looking for cool toys both old and new, please check out their website and their eBay storefront.

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