#2939: The Mummy



“In 1932, Boris Karloff starred in Universal Studios’ The Mummy.  The story tells of Im-ho-tep, a high priest that is buried alive, locked away in the darkness of a sealed Egyptian tomb.  As the seal breaks open, the towering figure comes to life after 3,700 years.  Fragile bandages rip and tear.  The withered skin is wrinked and grey.  The eyes widen, glowing intensely, remembering a mission unfulfilled, a passion undiminished by time.”

It’s once again Halloween.  How about that?  Halloween typically consumes the whole month of October, but both this year and the last, it hasn’t seemed quite so far-reaching.  I guess it’s hard to get into a mood of horror and fear in a “fun” sense when there’s, you know, everything going on, you know, everywhere.  Still, I do like to at least try to get that spooky mood for at least the one day a year.  So, in that sense, I’m going to be continuing a look into the line I looked at last year, with a focus on a figure from one of my favorite of the Universal Monsters movies, 1932’s The Mummy!


The Mummy was part of 1998’s inaugural series of Sideshow Toy’s Universal Studios Monsters line.  In a set that included both Frankenstein’s Monster and the Wolf Man, Im-ho-tep was certainly the more minor inclusion, though he’s far from an unknown choice.  Im-ho-tep’s got two major looks in the movie, but this figure goes for his main mummified look from the beginning of the film.  It’s a short-lived look, but it’s also the most classically “mummy” look, so it’s the best visual.  The figure stands 8 inches tall and he has 12 points of articulation.  As I discussed in last year’s review of the Invisible Man, these figures were more plastic statues that just happened to have articulation, and less actual action figures, and Im-ho-tep sticks right to that.  Notably, the right elbow in particular is effectively useless.  He’s really just good for slightly tweaking the pose for the sake of better stability.  Im-ho-tep’s sculpt was an all-new offering (re-used for both his glow-in-the-dark and silver screen editions), and it’s quite an impressive one.  It’s definitely more consistent than the Invisible Man, since the texture work on the bandages continues over the whole body.  He also has a pretty decent likeness of Boris Karloff, which is certainly a plus.  The paint work on the figure is generally pretty strong.  The best work is on the bandages, which have quite a bit of accenting, bringing out the texturing of the sculpt.  The exposed skin’s not quite as well detailed, but it’s still better than just base color work.  The Mummy was packed with a scroll, a sealed chest, and a rather elaborate display stand.  All in all, not a bad selection of extras.


Last year, when I picked up the Invisible Man figure from this line, which is the one I really wanted out of the bunch, I also picked up two others.  The Mummy was included there.  I wasn’t planning to grab him at first, but his package was messed up, and he wasn’t going to be very expensive.  That, coupled with me being a fan of the movie, made it easy enough to just go ahead and grab him.  He’s not a super playable figure, but he’s a pretty nifty display piece, much like the rest of the line.

Thanks to my sponsors at All Time Toys for setting me up with this guy for review.  If you’re looking for toys both old and new, please check out their website.

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