#3593: Ultraman Orb Spacium Zeperion



Fun FiQ Fact #0072: Ultraman Orb is the 14th form-changing Ultraman in the franchise.

I’m gonna level with you guys: I’ve gotten back to Ultraman reviews, and I can’t kick the habit all that easily.  So, there’s gonna be more Ultraman reviews.  Not a ton, because, well, I have slightly more limited means of getting new Ultramen right at this moment, but still, there’s more Ultramen, and that’s always a great thing.  Alright, let’s look at an Ultraman Orb variant!


Ultraman Orb Spacium Zeperion was a December 2017 release for Bandai’s S.H. Figuarts line.  The figure stands 6 inches tall and he has 40 points of articulation.  Thankfully, this time around, I didn’t have any instant breakage like I did with Ginga, so all of his articulation works the way it’s supposed to.  The articulation scheme isn’t bad, but it’s a little awkward around the hips.  I’m always amused by how often the hip joint construction changes for Figuarts.  Ultraman Orb makes use of a good number of different looks over the course of his series, each based on a fusion of two prior Ultras, with elements from Orb’s “Origin” look worked in.  Spacium Zeperion is a merging of Hayata and Tiga, and is one of Orb’s primary looks for the show, taking the place of his standard look while he works to regain his original powers.  The sculpt translates it well into figure form.  It’s very clean, and I dig how the complexities all work together.  Orb’s color work is fun; there’s a lot of color going on, and it leans more on black and purple, two more uncommon colors in the world of Ultra.  Orb is packed with 5 pairs of hands (in fists, open gesture, two styles of flat, and relaxed), two color timers, his Sparion Beam, and his Sparion Light Ring.


Following Ginga breaking on me, I was a little bummed, and felt like I was missing out on some of the Ultra-inspired joy in my life.  Thankfully, Ginga wasn’t the only Figuarts Ultra in the massive collection that is currently still being processed, and Orb in particular had really spoken to me.  He’s a lot of fun.  Definitely a different style of Ultra than Ginga, but I love having options.

Thanks to my sponsors over at All Time Toys for setting me up with this figure to review.  If you’re looking for cool toys both old and new, please check out their website and their eBay storefront.

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