#3625: Cassian Andor & B2EMO



Fun FiQ Fact #0104: Diego Luna, who plays Cassian Andor, was in the 2004 movie The Terminal, where his character’s love interest is a Trekkie played by Zoe Saldana.

Amonst the handful of character spin-off shows we got in the last year and some change was Andor, a prequel to Rogue One, focusing on Cassian Andor before he joined the Rebellion.  Rogue One was certainly a change of pace for the franchise, and Andor was even more so.  One of the biggest things about Andor was that it really wasn’t built for merchandising the way the rest of the franchise is.  People just don’t rush out to buy action figures of all the morally questionable players from a show based heavily on political intrigue, I suppose.  Well, I don’t suppose.  I actually know.  Because, as it turns out, I’m one of the people.  I very much enjoyed Andor, but I also didn’t go out and buy, you know, any of the figures from it.  I’m part of the problem, guys.  But, maybe I’m working on that?  No, I’m not, but I did at least wind up with an exception.


Cassian Andor and B2EMO were released as part of Star Wars: The Black Series in the fall of 2022.  The set was initially exclusive to Hasbro’s online PulseCon event, but it was ultimately distributed through other venues when it was met with a softer than anticipated reception.  The Cassian figure is the same as the mainline release, while B2EMO remains, to date, exclusive to this pack.


Cassian was already no stranger to figures thanks to the various Rogue One tie-ins, but Andor elevated that, giving him the Jyn Erso-style “we’re shoving the standard look into multiple releases” treatment. The figure stands about 6 inches tall and he has 27 points of articulation. For Andor, Cassian is a lot rougher around the edges than when we catch up with him in Rogue One, and his main look shows that off. He’s got a lot more layers all thrown together a bit more haphazardly, and his hair is a fair bit shaggier. The new sculpt does a good job of following the look. The head gets a better likeness of Luna than the Rogue One stuff did, and the ratio of sculpt integrity to range of motion is a pretty good one. His coloring is a lot of brown. Like a lot. Very brown. It’s accurate, though, and the paint work handles it all pretty well. Cassian is packed with a blaster pistol, and that’s all.


Look, we all know why we’re here, and it’s B2EMO. Since K2 isn’t yet reprogrammed, Cassian needs another droid to pal around with, and that’s B2EMO. He’s like Marvin, but squarer. Same disposition, though. The figure is about 2 1/2 inches tall. He can collapse and extend his core body, as well as his little casters he uses for feet, and his head has a swivel joint. B2EMO is a rather unique looking droid, and so he gets a unique sculpt as well. It’s a very good one. Hasbro knows how to sculpt a good droid. All of the moving parts fit together well, and he’s got the appropriate denting and damage. Certainly an accurate depiction of the droid from the show, I’d say. His color work is a little more exciting, being reds and blues. He’s still muted, of course, but it’s at least a little different. The paint work continues the wear and tear started by the sculpt, resulting in a sufficiently used looking bot. B2EMO is without accessories…or, depending on how you look at it, he includes a whole Cassian as an accessory. That seems like a better value, I suppose.


I liked B2EMO a lot in the show and wanted a figure, so I was tempted by this set, but it just felt far too expensive for what you got, so I passed. It did the rounds and got cheaper and cheaper, so by the time one with popped tape seals came into All Time, it was so cheap I didn’t feel like I could pass it up. Cassian is an okay figure, just not one I needed. B2EMO, however, is a fantastic little biscuit of a figure that I’m very glad to have.

Thanks to my sponsors over at All Time Toys for setting me up with this figure to review.  If you’re looking for cool toys both old and new, please check out their website and their eBay storefront.

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